Philippine Standard time

Dr. Clarissa C. David
Featured Researcher

Dr. Clarissa C. David is a Senior Research Fellow at the Ateneo Policy Center of the Ateneo School of Government. She has previously served as the director of the communications and knowledge management office at the Philippine Competition Commission and was a faculty member at the University of the Philippines (UP) College of Mass Communications.

Dr. David obtained her master’s degree in communication research at UP and her doctor of philosophy in communication research at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on public opinion, political communication, public interventions, and policy communication.

Her book “The RH Wars: Framing the Population and Health Debate” received the Outstanding Book Publication award from the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). In 2015, she was named one of the country’s Outstanding Young Scientists by the NAST and an E. Angara Fellow for Policy Research by UP.

To check out her publications in SERP-P, type “David, Clarissa C.” in the search box of the SERP-P website or click here.

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