Philippine Standard time

Traffic Accident Analysis through Hospital Records

With an increasing trend of population growth and vehicle registration, road safety is becoming one of the major issues arising from the traffic system of the country. Concentrating much on innovations and urban developments, road safety is oftentimes given the least importance. Several studies proved that the occurrence of accidents is prevalent yet few road safety programs have been effectively established. One of the enormous reasons of this is discussed in the study - under-reporting of road accidents. This is considered as a global phenomenon that is widely affected by the definition of fatality. Most traffic accident studies analyze data from poice traffic units. In this study, data were gathered from hospitals having the highest number of traffic accident cases, which actually resulted from an initial survey in macroscopic view of the study. The macroscopic view allows cross-checking of fatality records between hospitals and traffic enforcement units. This process compares how many fatality records were gatherd from hospitals and how many were reported at police units. The study also highlights the shortcomings of concerned authorities in data management system mostly in fatality cases. It also provides a summary of findings of a comparative study of traffic accidents through hospital records. Recommendations were presented for the improvement of the reporting and record-keeping system as a guide in policy formulation in promotion of traffic safety for future studies both in traffic planning and engineering


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