Philippine Standard time

Zamboanga Peninsula Sustainable Development Goals 2020 Report

Among the key recommendations of the Zamboanga Peninsula (ZamPen) SDG Report for 2020 are: (1) address the regularity of data collection; (2) monitor progress of SDG indicators in the region with better data granularity; and, (3) ensure alignment of the successor Regional Development Plan (RDP) and SDG indicators by including the indicators in the RDP Results Matrix. The PSA Board approved and adopted the Core Regional SDG Indicators (CoRe-SDGIs) through Resolution No. 12, series of 2019. The PSA Board identified 155 indicators for initial monitoring, of which 102 were global SDGIs, 28 proxy indicators, and 25 supplemental indicators. Out of the 155 CoRe-SDGIs, 56 percent or 88 regional indicators are considered in the CY 2020 ZamPen SDG report.


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Mar 07, 2022