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Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department
Featured Partner Institution

The Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department (CPRBD), formerly known as Congressional Economic Planning Office, serves as the think tank of the House of Representatives of the Philippines. Its mission is to provide ideas, policy advice, technical assistance, and information support in the formulation and oversight of socioeconomic legislation that promotes sustained inclusive growth. It consists of the Socio-Economic Research Bureau and the Budget and Tax Research Bureau.

The CPBRD conducts socioeconomic policy and budget research and provides informational foundations for legislation and oversight. It also provides analyses on the Philippine Development Plan, the annual National Budget, and other government programs and policy pronouncements. Furthermore, the CPBRD assists in the formulation of the legislative agenda of the House of Representatives and provides the House leadership and members with technical information on important social, economic, fiscal, and institutional policy issues.

Know more about the CPBRD here:

Check out CPBRD’s publications in SERP-P here: