Philippine Standard time

A Typology of OFWs Returning Home: A Survey Study on the Return and Reintegration of OFWs

Return and Reintegration are two different concepts that are often taken as one and the same. Return may only refer to the physical return of a migrant to their country of origin while reintegration is a process to which the migrant is reintroduced and reinserted to the community under three (3) identified dimensions: Economic stability, Social Networks, and Psycho-social. Return may be for everyone, but reintegration may not be ready for all returnees. The profiles of returning OFWs indicate that majority have a low level of return preparedness in terms of accumulated resources (financial and social). Most returning OFWs are also still in their productive age, especially our returning women household service workers, but to the lower wage and their limited skills upon return, they opt to return to unemployment and continue unpaid care work. Among the key findings of the study, despite government programs and initiatives in promoting business and entrepreneurship to returning OFWs, there is a low level of preparedness and actual engagement to these types of endeavors. We see far fewer OFWs end up on the path to becoming a business owner or entrepreneur. Based on these major profiles and key findings, we created a typology of returning OFWs.


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