Philippine Standard time

Investigating the Effects of Accessibility on Zonal Land Valuation and Residential Location Choice in Metro Manila

Studies in urban economics reveal that accessibility has been the central dogma of urban residential location. Urban scientists, planners and urban economists have based their analysis on the notion that the location decision of households is mainly affected by the potential of a location to be accessible to various activities. One activity – the commute to work has been the focal point of most these studies. On another side, land market theory states that land value is determined by its accessibility due to the probable monetary and time savings that each household would benefit in a location. The aim of the study therefore is twofold with Metro Manila as the study area. The first task seeks to establish the relationship between accessibility and zonal land valuation. The second task shall attempt to determine the impact of accessibility on the location choice decision of households. Hedonic models shall be used to determine the importance of access on zonal land valuations and also to determine variations across different areas. Meanwhile, a discrete choice model of residential location will be developed to analyze the impact of accessibility on the location choice behavior of households.


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