Philippine Standard time

Unpacking Policy Options to Reduce Single-Use Plastics in the Philippines

This policy brief presents a discussion of the global and local plastic waste landscape and offers an analysis of the policy options to address the problem of plastic pollution and reduce its wide-ranging and harmful impacts. Reflecting on the documented experience of countries in implementing various policy instruments and learning from their successes and failures, this brief suggests key considerations in legislating a Single-Use Plastics (SUP) regulation law and an SUP tax measure that fit the local context. The brief underscores that current national and local policies to tackle plastic waste have either achieved limited success or have yet to be enforced. The implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 was mainly concerned in managing the downstream challenges of the plastic life cycle—after plastic products were used and became waste. Hence, the upstream dimension of the plastic pollution problem—waste prevention at the design and production stages—remains to be addressed. A regulatory measure, the proposed SUP Regulation and Management Act, and an economic measure, the proposed SUP Bags Tax Act, are important starting points in moving upstream policy interventions forward. These proposed measures could complement the Extended Producer Responsibility Act of 2022, which links the upstream and downstream segments of the plastic value chain by making producers responsible for their products throughout their life cycle. To identify the right combination of policy instruments, key recommendations include the conduct of a baseline assessment on the most problematic SUP products and the impacts of the proposed legislation and consideration of implementation challenges and unintended consequences of the proposed measures. 


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Jun 05, 2023