Philippine Standard time

Retail Packaging of Cabbage

At 6 days from treatment, most of the unpacked and packed cabbage heads except those Cling-wrapped had moderately reduced visual quality. Also noted were the rotting of the butt-end and the cabbage head which were fastest in cabbage packed in polyethylene bag (PEB) and slowest in cabbages in cellophane- Leaf yellowing was similarly fast in cabbages in PEB and slowest in Cling-wrapped cabbages. At 9 days from treatment, weight losses ranged from 0.34 to 3.64% in cabbage heads in the various film bags relative to a 10.49% weight loss registered by the unpacked cabbages. Though not significant, only MA Bagging C delayed the onset of decay. MA Bagging C and D as well as Cling wrap slightly improved the shelf-life of the cabbage heads. Retail packaging in film bags/overwrap can be beneficial for a period of 5 days after which trimming of the cabbage heads become necessary.


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