Philippine Standard time

Epistemological and Pedagogical Beliefs of Preservice Secondary Science Teachers on Global Climate Change

Global climate change is a socioscientific issue that is popular in socio-political, economic, and educational contexts. This study explored the epistemological and pedagogical beliefs of preservice secondary science teachers on global climate change. Specifically, it examined the experiences of preservice teachers that informed their perspectives on the issue and the negotiations they anticipate when developing this topic in their classrooms. Employing an interpretive research methodology, data were collected from four preservice secondary science teachers through case study methods, in-depth interviews, and written products.

The analysis of data revealed that the preservice science teachers’ epistemological and pedagogical beliefs on global climate change were in a dynamic relationship and bound by two significant points: a) Global climate change is a seemingly inevitable topic, and b) Global climate change has a rightful place in the science curriculum. Perspectives on global climate change were mediated by the preservice teachers’ experiences with people, places, and events. More specifically, themes that emerged from the four case narratives through within-case and cross-case analyses were identified. Among these include: a) natural versus anthropogenic causes; b) information audit; c) relevance of the topic of global climate change to the individual lives of students; d) influence from family and friends; e) controversy surrounding global climate change transcends the scientific, political, and economic aspects of society; and f) classroom debate as a microcosm of the larger scientific community. Recognizing the controversial nature of global climate change, the preservice teachers plan to negotiate the teaching of this concept in terms of content, context, process, and outcomes vis-à-vis the implications of the findings.


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