Philippine Standard time

Confronting Anti-Politics Political Intolerance, Socialization, and Additional Considerations for Civic Education

To construe politics as a necessary evil - the root of perceived social disharmony - that can be used to end itself in favor of political silence lies at the core of antipolitics. From a psycho-political perspective, anti-political tendencies gravitate around political intolerance and limited socialization; the former keeps citizens fixated on minimizing, if not eliminating, plurality, while the latter keeps them apart. Under anti-political conditions, citizens are bound not by reciprocity and collective life but by an individualistic need to place themselves and others under the overarching principles of acquiescence. Are Filipinos anti-political? This policy brief illustrates that they are generally not, but they have tendencies that might lead to stronger anti-political preferences. Civic education, therefore, also becomes a matter of confronting political intolerance and alleviating socio-political isolation if it is to contribute to democratization in the Philippines.


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