Philippine Standard time

National Land Use Policy: Protecting Prime Agricultural Lands

This policy brief discusses the importance of protecting prime agricultural lands in the Philippines. With less than 10 million hectares of agricultural land at risk of rapid urbanization, the brief proposes that a national land use policy focused on the protection of prime agricultural lands can address the increasing demand for food and provide rural employment opportunities to alleviate poverty. Prime agricultural lands are highly productive and fertile, making them suitable for growing major food crops and various agricultural products. However, these lands are also prone to conversion for urban development due to their characteristics. The proposed National Land Use Act (NaLUA) aims to protect all prime agricultural lands, but the term “prime agricultural lands” must be properly defined to be consistent with NaLUA’s overall framework of allocating scarce land resources to meet the requirements of a growing population. The brief revisits the reasons for protecting agricultural lands, analyzes the implications of defining prime agricultural lands, and suggests policy considerations for defining and identifying prime agricultural lands for protection. Overall, protecting prime agricultural lands is crucial for ensuring national food security and reducing poverty without compromising economic development and environmental integrity. 


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