This report is part of a research series on sustainable finance by the Asian Institute of Management Gov. Jose B. Fernandez, Jr. Center for Sustainable Finance (AIM JBF Center), which has previously studied the sustainable finance landscape in the Philippines in two reports: (1) Financing and Valuating Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Philippines: A Handbook for Banks and Financial Institutions1 and (2) Operationalizing Sustainable Finance for Ecosystem-based Adaptation Projects: A Primer for Banks and Financial Institutions. Readers may refer to these two reports for an introduction on sustainable finance in the Philippines. The current research, “Implementing Sustainability in the Philippine Banking and Corporate Sectors,” is commissioned by IDEALS, Inc. and supported by Fair Finance Philippines (FFP) through Fair Finance Asia (FFA), a regional network of Asian civil society organizations committed to ensuring responsible banking and sustainable finance across Asia. The coalition is formed by five Philippines-based organizations that advocate for the effective adoption of environmental, social, and governance criteria in banking to mitigate the negative effects of irresponsible investments. This publication is made possible with financial assistance from the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand.