Philippine Standard time

Examining Assessment Methods in Pandemic-Era Online Distance Learning

Assessment is a pivotal aspect of online distance learning, posing challenges to educator's readiness and involvement. This study identifies prevalent assessment methods used during the pandemic in online distance learning, specifically investigating their adoption among teachers in the Philippines. The research assesses the relationship between online assessment methods and respondents' demographics, internet and social media profiles, and online learning competencies. Participants drawn from an open online course, completed a survey questionnaire, yielding 44 analyzable responses. Key findings indicate that multiple-choice and short-answer exams, review and critique tasks, learning logs, summaries of reflections, online discussions, virtual labs, and simulations were highly employed by the pandemic. Conversely, annotated bibliographies and post card quizzes were utilized less frequently. Proficiency in technological tools signifcantly influenced the use of assessment methods. Moreover, the differences in method utilization were noted based on respondents' gender, civil status, highest educational attainment, and internet or social media profiles. In conclusion, teachers in the Philippines demonstrated moderate utilization of standard online assessment methods. Recommendations include reintroducing these assessment tools to teachers through comprehensive and context-specific training to entrance their skill set to utilize these methods effectively. 


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