Philippine Standard time

Addressing the "Blind Side" of the Government's Jeepney "Modernization" Program

Air pollution in densely populated cities like Metro Manila costs billions of pesos yearly. But putting the blame for air pollution, as well as traffic jams, to the iconic jeepney is too much to bear and too unfair for them. There are only 73,000 jeepneys in Metro Manila (in comparison to 2.5 million vehicles) and in the entire country, there are only around 300,000 of them (compared to a total of 12.75 million vehicles). The iconic jeepney is the product of the creativity, ingenuity, and resourcefulness of the Filipinos. Under the pretext of the environmental damages caused by and safety concerns over traditional jeepneys, the government launched its Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) in 2017. Under this program, old public utility vehicles (PUVs)—including jeepneys—are to be replaced with locally assembled modern PUVs that are more environment-friendly and fuel-efficient. The program also aims to provide safer, comfortable, and reliable public transport for Filipinos, while also alleviating the health hazards of inefficient and smoke-belching old PUVs that contribute to GHG emissions and climate change.


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