Philippine Standard time

A Situationer on the Indigenous Peoples of Negros Oriental With a Situational Analysis by Ceres E. Pioquinto

Interviews with the household members among the indigenous cultural communities of Cangohob, Mabinay, Tayawan, Bayawan, and Cabatuanan, Basay provided a profile of such aspects of their life as their dreams and aspirations, sources of income, land ownership, health and illness, cultural practices, and domestic and community relations. External factors such as low levels of education, health and sanitation problems, absence or nonfunctioning of supporting institutions or agencies, interethnic marriages, pervasive influences of mass media, and so on have led to consequences on the quality of life and traditional culture of these indigenous people: (a) the tribal are noticeably worse off than the rest of the population; (b) given their limited remaining resources, they contribute to their exploitation either by their own abuse or by allowing others to abuse them; and (c) cultural displacement- they are forced to abandon their traditional ways and practices as a way of coping with the processes of integration and acculturation in a more dominant social order. Remaining questions include the role of governments and established institutions.


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