Philippine Standard time

Information Needs of Mango Producers in Nueva Ecija, Philippines

The study described the characteristics of mango producers in Nueva Ecija and analyzed their information needs, practices, knowledge on and attitude toward the recommended mango production and post production technologies. A total of 120 “Carabao” mango growers/producers in 17 barangays of Cuyapo, Pantabangan, Cabanatuan City and Gapan City served as respondents. Data from these respondents were obtained using an interview schedule. The most commonly mentioned sources of information were the print media and interpersonal channels. However, they were seldom or occasionally exposed to these sources. Their information-seeking behaviors were found consistent with their media preferences such as print, training/seminar, and home and farm visit. Their language preference is Filipino. Only few of them were able to attend mango-related training(s) conducted by government and private organizations. Majority have low knowledge on the benefits derived from adopting the recommended mango technologies. But in spite of their limited knowledge, they have favorable attitude toward the benefits derived from adopting mango technologies. In terms of adoption level, they were considered low adopters as they had only used 10 to 18 out of 45 component technologies. The respondents signified their interest to obtain information about pruning, proper fertilization, integrated pest management, flower induction, fruit bagging, proper harvesting and sorting/grading/field packing. Also, they need to acquire directories of agencies providing technical assistance, IEC materials and trainings, list of alternative production inputs, location of accessible demonstration/model farms, mango traders and exporters. Furthermore, updates about prevailing prices, volume of supply, demand and standards were equally important information. The level of the mango producers’ information needs was significantly related to sex, educational attainment, primary occupation, family income, number of tree holding, exposure to print materials, contact with relatives, friends and extension workers, access to road networks, credit facilities and market outlets, and knowledge on and attitude toward the benefits derived from adopting the recommended mango technologies. These factors have to be considered in communication planning since these were found predictors of higher levels of information needs.


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