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Trade Platform Provides Info on Access to EU Market

Philippine exporting micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) seeking to expand into the European Union (EU) market can access at no cost an online trade platform providing information on export quality-related market requirements, regulations and standards to improve market access.

The Philippines Quality for Trade (Q4T) Platform serves as a one-stop quality shop allowing registered users to also connect with relevant institutions and individuals, seek pathways to improvements, and gain insights from those who have already experienced success in the EU and other targeted markets.

“Given the increasing pressure on exporting MSMEs in the Philippines to comply with a multitude of market access requirements (including to the European Union), standards and customer demands while remaining cost competitive, there is a need for efficient and effective transfer of quality-related know-how to MSMEs. This is where the Philippines Quality for Trade Platform can create a genuine impact,” according to Q4T factsheet.

The Q4T platform comprises four integrated and complementary tools, including the Quality Compass allowing users to discover specific quality-related requirements for identified priority products in targeted destination markets.

These can be related to mandatory legal requirements, key standards, or preferences in the market.

Currently mapped products are cocoa beans, virgin coconut oil, coffee, dried mangoes, dried pineapple, coconut flour, canned pineapple, mango puree and coconut water.

“The tool offers user-friendly insights into not only what is required but also provides sensitization information on quality requirements to the user as well as streamlined deep linkages to guidance available elsewhere on the web,” it said.

Another complementary tool is the Philippines Quality Connect that serves to connect a global network of national pools of quality experts developed under the International Trade Centre (ITC) in the Philippines (the Philippine Quality Champions) and across the globe.

“Registered users can view profiles and make connections with other users who may be able to offer guidance or services (givers) or those who are in need of guidance or services (takers). Using an online service provider institution directory, users will be able to locate relevant institutions who offer the services they need on their quality journey,” the factsheet added.

Other tools are Quality Insights that plays an integral role in the overall functionality of the platform as the go-to resource for learning more about different quality-related topics, and  Quality Success that seeks to inspire readers with a variety of success stories.  

The Quality Insights module will serve as a repository for training materials, practical guides and quality-related technical materials developed under projects, allowing for the sharing of best practices and relevant materials across countries.

The other is a collection of success stories as told by those who, through quality improvements, managed to access new markets, grow their markets, or overcame quality hurdles which brought new opportunities.

The Q4T platform was developed by ITC in collaboration with the Export Marketing Bureau of the Department of Trade and Industry to support Philippine businesses along their export journey by providing an integrated solution to address their export quality-related challenges.

The platform has been developed under ARISE Plus Philippines, a project of the Philippine government. It is funded by the EU, with the ITC as the technical agency for the project.


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Jun 05, 2024