Philippine Standard time

The Spatial and Urban Dimensions of Development in the Philippines

Issues relating to the process of urbanization, industrialization and spatial development have gained prominence through the years. While studies on these areas have contributed to a stimulating discussion of policy questions, these have often been conducted on piecemeal basis. Noticeably lacking in research effort especially during the 60s and the 70s is an integrative study, defining in a broader perspective, the interrelationships among urban growth, industrialization and the space economy. This volume is an integrative study of the interlinked problems of urbanization and spatial development. The book attempts to respond to the long felt need for a thorough discussion and analysis of the interrelationships among these three aspects of modernization, especially as these have become priority areas of development and policy in the 80s. By embarking on this research undertaking, the authors have achieved a milestone in the Philippine development research. In particular, their study helps to clear up a number of misconceptions about spatial and urban issues. Likewise, they have clarified certain frequently raised questions such as: is the level of urbanization too high or too low; is the speed of urbanization to fast or too slow, why have rural and regional development policies failed to keep industries from locating, and population from migrating toward main city centers; how can a more balances urbanization and regional development conducive to greater efficiency and equity be achieved? This study not only builds on previous research endeavors but also opens wider vistas for discovering fresh insights needed in plan and policy formulation. It is an important contribution to our better understanding of the process of urbanization and spatial development.


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Jul 20, 2013