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Predicting Teaching Performance of College Mathematics Teachers in Region III

The study was conducted to determine the predictors of teaching performance of college mathematics teachers in four selected universities in Region III; which of the selected teacher-related factors and institution-related factors are significantly associated to mathematics teaching performance; and if the level of job satisfaction is associated with their teaching performance. The respondents were composed of 88 mathematics teachers, 12 department chairs of mathematics (supervisors), and 360 fourth year engineering students and fourth year math major students. Five questionnaires were the primary sources of data classified as: Teachers’ Demographic Data, Teachers’ Self Performance Appraisal, Teachers’ Performance Appraisal as rated by Supervisors, and Teacher’s Job Satisfaction Account. Other data were obtained from the students’ academic records in the Office of the University Registrars of the sampled universities. The statistical tools used to test the hypotheses were descriptive statistics, Pearson-moment of correlation Coefficient, Contragency Coefficient, T-test, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. Job satisfaction and teacher-student ratio proved to be highly significant predictor of the teaching performance of college mathematics teachers while class size proved to be significant predictor of the same. Status of appointment positively and significantly influenced teaching performance. Findings further revealed that there was a significant difference in the performance between the SCU and PCU teachers as measured in terms of students’ mathematics achievement. The PCU teachers performed better than the SCU teachers. Results of the study likewise showed that the mean GPA of the student respondents in all the mathematics subjects they took was 2.63 equivalent to a descriptive category of fair teaching performance of their mathematics teachers. Students rated their teachers’ performance in the Teachers’ Performance Appraisal with a descriptive rating of very satisfactory while the supervisors and the teachers themselves rated the same as outstanding under the 5-point Likert scale. Among the three groups, the teachers rated themselves the highest. Among the independent variables such as age, sex, civil status, school where highest degree was obtained, highest educational attainment, academic rank, administrative work, extension work, teaching load, type of school and accreditation level, were found to be not significantly correlated to teaching performance. The study also showed that majority of the teacher respondents were not involved in research work neither in extension work. Majority of them were young, male permanent, married, master’s degree holder, instructors, and with college teaching experience of ten years or less. For their level of job satisfaction teachers were found to be satisfied most of the time.


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