The formal education cycle comprises only 10 years of basic education (elementary plus secondary), postbasic education offering nondegree courses of varying lengths, and 4 years of higher education covering degree-granting courses. Almost all elementary education (grades 1– 6) is publicly provided, but 25% of secondary (grades 7–10) and 75% of higher education enrollment is in the private sector. Participation rates and gender equity at all levels are among
the highest in the region, and the workforce is relatively well educated. Nevertheless, the public perception is that the quality of education at all levels has declined significantly in recent decades. In higher education, this view is supported by the 1999 and 2000 Asiaweek surveys of the 80 top-ranking regional universities, where the premier university (University of the Philippines) ranked only 44th. As recently as the 1970s, the Philippines was seen as one of the
region’s leading education centers. Average passing rates in the annual professional licensure examinations are also low, averaging only around 45%. The pervasive low quality of higher education does not augur well for economic growth.