Philippine Standard time

Issues in Philippine TVET: Responsiveness to Industry Demand and Barriers to Access among Disadvantaged Youth

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) plays a key role in producing a skilled labor force and providing a pathway for youth to gain productive employment. This study assesses TVET’s responsiveness to industry needs using qualitative interviews of enterprise-based training providers from the construction, manufacturing, and tourism sectors. Among the issues raised include (1) difficulties in attracting students to participate in construction training programs due to the sector’s poor image; (2) gaps in training quality, especially in public training institutions, owing to outdated facilities and trainers lacking up-to-date industry knowhow; and (3) underdeveloped soft skills among young employees. Further, this study examines the barriers that keep youth not in employment, education, or training (NEET) from participating in vocational education. Data was collected through a rapid online survey of young trainees or training applicants who were or had been NEET at the time of the survey. Many respondents self-identified as poor and cited the lack of financial resources for education as the main hindrance to pursuing TVET, followed by the lack of information on training programs. Hence, the study recommends using information campaigns and scholarships to attract learners to train for in-demand occupations, strengthening soft skills instruction, incentivizing industry practitioners to join the TVET sector as trainees, and promoting enterprise-based training programs. Meanwhile, enabling greater training participation among NEET calls for financial assistance programs with adequate allowances and information dissemination initiatives about training and job opportunities.


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