This study examined the results and impact of Quedancor’s credit and guarantee programs on small farmers and fisherfolk and other rural-based entrepreneurs, particularly on the bankability, access to formal credit and on their income and welfare. The result of the study revealed that prior to Quedancor, only 57% of the respondents who are mostly small farmers and urban entrepreneurs availed of credit. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of them borrowed from informal sources. Only 40% obtained loans from formal sources like cooperatives (16%) and banks (12%). About 55% of Quedancor borrowers interviewed live above the poverty threshold of P12,695 indicating that Quadencor borrowers are quite better off than most of the farmers in the country although the study could not solely attribute this to their availment of Quedancor loans.
Some of the recommendations of the study are the following:
•Study the possibility of entering into a credit-market tie-up;
•Reexamine and revise loan procedures/paper requirements