Philippine Standard time

Filipino Women in Leadership: Government and Industry

Achieving gender equality is part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nations member-states, like the Philippines, have committed to ensure through the said SDG that the rights and privileges afforded to all citizens are the same regardless of sex. This Policy Note presents current statistics on female representation in key leadership positions in the Philippine government and industry. It reveals that Filipino women remain sorely underrepresented in highest positions in both the government and industry. Given the low level of female participation in governance, interventions in both the public and private sectors are needed to improve their representation. Further indepth studies covering issues such as workplace culture and gender stereotyping in promotions processes, among others, are needed to guide the design of policies to ease women's paths toward leadership positions in industry. On the part of the government, it needs to review its current regulations to ensure more inclusive and gender-balanced political participation and leadership.


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