Philippine Standard time

Factors Influencing Walkability and Bicycle Use in a Medium-sized City: The Case of Iloilo City

This study identified the factors that influence walking and bicycle use in a medium-sized city of the Philippines. The study analyzed data collected from a survey of 400 samples using a 23-item questionnaire aimed to subjectively measure the psychological, physical environmental, security, and external factors that influence walking and bicycle use, along with socioeconomic factors. Test for association and correlation showed that gender, educational level, age, and ownership of private vehicles and bicycles are associated with the propensity to walk and use bicycles. Models that best predict the outcome for the four conditions of likelihood to walk and bicycle use were generated using multiple linear regression. Results show that the strongest predictor for walking is the physical environmental factor of functionality; i.e., walking as the most convenient mode for shorter trips. Bicycle use is similarly strongly influenced by the same perception on the physical environmental factor; i.e., cycling as the most convenient mode of transport to getting around the city, and strong personal preference for bicycle use over public transport. Deterrents to both modes were also discussed, along with practical recommendations to increase modal share of walking and bicycle use.


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