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Eastern Visayas Updated Regional Development Plan, 2014-2016 Results Matrices

This Eastern Visayas Updated Regional Development Plan (RDP) 2014-2016 Results Matrices (RM) is a companion document of the Updated Regional Development Plan (RDP) of Eastern Visayas. This has been prepared based on the belief that a good plan is one that enables its users to know whether it is achieving the desired results. It should be inherent upon any plan to be accompanied by a tool for monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Otherwise, the plan is just an ambiguous collection of wishes.

The RM then serves as a tool for periodic measurement of the results of the implementation of the RDP. It will help us answer very important questions in planning – Are we achieving our goals and objectives? If yes, how far or near are we from the ideal conditions we described in the RDP? Then, at the end of the Plan period, can we claim that our efforts have translated to a better life for our people?

This document is aligned with the President’s Social Contract with the Filipino People and guided by the Updated Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2014-2016. Hence, it also contains results/core indicators in the Updated PDP Results Matrices 2014-2016. This is necessary as the RDP is presupposed to contribute to the attainment of the national goals of poverty reduction and inclusive growth.

Like the Updated RDP, this Updated RM is a product of collaborative efforts. A series of sectoral consultations through interagency workshops and meetings were conducted, wherein technocrats from the different line agencies and private sector representatives had the opportunity to give their inputs. The baseline data and targets were initially provided by the authorized agencies. These were validated during the Sectoral Committee (SecCom) meetings of the Regional Development Council (RDC) VIII. The RDC-SecCom endorsed RM was actually due for deliberation by the Full Council of the RDC VIII in its last quarter meeting in 2013.

Unfortunately, that meeting did not materialize when Supertyphoon Yolanda hit the region on November 8, 2013. Nevertheless, it was approved for adoption during the March 10, 2014 RDC VIII Executive Committee meeting through RDC VIII ExCom Resolution No. 5, s. 2014 and subsequently confirmed by the RDC VIII Full Council during its March 25, 2014 through RDC VIII Resolution No. 11, s. 2014.

The RM is not a static document. In the course of the annual monitoring of RDP implementation, it might be necessary to adjust some of the targets. Hence, it will be subject to continuous updating and enhancement. The enthusiastic support shown by the officers and members of the RDC Sectoral Committees is hereby acknowledged, for without it, this RM would not have been made possible. However, we should remember that the RM is not an end in itself. It is just a tool for knowing whether or not we are in the right development path and how far or near are we from our target destination.


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