The Eastern Visayas Regional Development Plan (RDP) Results Matrices (RM) 2017-2022 is one of the two companion documents of the EV RDP 2017-2022, the other one being the EV-Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP) 2017-2022. As stated in the Plan, the twin goals of the region are to attain “robust and sustained economic growth” and “reduced poverty and inequality in all dimensions.” All development activities in the region shall be directed towards the achievement of these societal goals.
The RM has been designed so as to highlight the achievement of results at the different levels: outcomes and outputs of implementation of the fifteen (15) strategic development chapters of the RDP. The chapters are macroeconomy; regional competitiveness; agriculture and fisheries; industry; services; human development; demographic dividend; building resiliency; disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation (DRR-CCAM); infrastructure development; science, technology and innovation; good governance; peace and security; environment; and culture and values reformation.
The RM shall be used to monitor the progress of RDP implementation on the basis of target outputs and outcomes/impacts, indicated by year and value. The baseline data are provided per indicator to establish the level of performance at a given year before the Plan period, thus, serve as benchmark for changes before and after the Plan period. The implementing agencies have committed to and are responsible in attaining the assigned targets set forth in the RM through effective and efficient implementation of priority programs, projects, and activities identified in the RDIP 2017-2022. They are also expected to coordinate with other concerned agencies, key players and stakeholders, and provide resources such as funding, personnel, and time.
The RM will be monitored annually through the preparation of the Regional Development Report that provides an assessment on the achievement of the targets and the reasons behind the non-achievement of the targets. This will then be updated in 2019 during the mid-year of Plan implementation to ensure attainment of the sector outcomes with the participation of implementing agencies, LGUs, private sector and other stakeholders in the region.