To kick off its 2025 events, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will host a public webinar on February 13, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM via Zoom. The event will feature two studies tackling the country’s macroeconomic landscape and the role of fiscal policy in driving sustainable growth.
The first study, “Macroeconomic Prospects of the Philippines in 2024–2025: Toward Upper Middle-Income Status”, authored by PIDS Senior Research Fellow Dr. John Paolo R. Rivera, Research Specialist Mark Gerald C. Ruiz, and Research Analyst Ramona Maria L. Miral, examines the drivers of the country’s robust domestic growth, including strong consumer demand, infrastructure investments, and a thriving service sector. It highlights the Philippines’ rapid recovery, with real per capita GDP returning to pre-pandemic levels within just four years—a remarkable achievement compared to past crises.
The second study, “Let’s Get Fiscal: Extending the Small Macroeconometric Model of the Philippine Economy”, is authored by former PIDS Senior Research Fellow Margarita Debuque-Gonzales and former Supervising Research Specialist John Paul P. Corpus. This research paper presents a small macroeconometric model with a fiscal sector, extending the model in Debuque-Gonzales and Corpus (2023). The updated model includes equations for government revenues, expenditures, and debt, complementing core components on domestic demand, trade, employment, prices, and monetary sectors. It demonstrates strong predictive accuracy and simulates the fiscal impacts of shocks, such as changes in oil prices, exchange rates, and government spending.