Philippine Standard time

Dr. Sonny N. Domingo
Featured Researcher

Dr. Sonny N. Domingo is a senior research fellow at the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS). Dr. Domingo has more than three decades of extensive multisector technical and policy research exposure in agricultural research and development and extension, natural resource management, and disaster risk reduction and management. He is a technical member committee of the Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program and a member of the Council of Fellows of the Philippine Public Safety College. His current research interests include ecological integrity and environmental policy, technical agriculture and resource economics, and climate change and disaster risk management.

He obtained his bachelor's and Master’s degrees from the University of the Philippines Los Baños and his Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Economics from the Orange Campus of Charles Sturt University, New South Wales, Australia, as a fellow of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.

To check his publications in SERP-P, type “Domingo, Sonny N.” in the search box of the SERP-P website or click here.

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