Philippine Standard time

Local Diagnostic Kit for Potato Viruses:An Ex Ante Assessment

Virus diagnostic test has become an important component of the government seed certification program. BPI has issued allowable standards or tolerance levels of severe viruses in potato like the PLRV and PVY, and mild viruses like PVX and PVS in field inspection and seed certification. Seed testing centers in the Philippines have relied on imported ELISA-based diagnostic kit. The local diagnostic kit developed by BIOTECH-UPLB could reduce reliance of agencies on the imported kit and, thus, contribute to foreign exchange savings and improved access of clients, e.g., farmers, to diagnostic services. The benefit from virus diagnostic kit is assurance of good quality planting material and the resulting gains in crop yield and income. Certified seeds which have passed virus diagnostic test yielded 19 tons per ha, much higher than the 13-ton yield from non-certified seeds. Economic gains from the local diagnostic kit depend on the rate by which it is going to be adopted, which, in turn, relies on the extent of its dissemination. Further innovations in the technology, policies and institutions are necessary to achieve this. These include a national information dissemination strategy, adequate support and facilities for disease diagnosis, improved system of distributing planting materials, and support of local government units in extension activities.


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