Philippine Standard time

Philippine Employment in the 70’s

This study of Philippine employment in the 1970s presents a review of the literature on the employment experience in the 1970s,which concentrates on those studies dealing primarily with the demand component of the labor market and highlights a number of policy-related issues that have emerged in recent years from the research work on employment and unemployment. It evaluates the Philippine employment statistics as a set of measures of labor utilization. It evaluates the quality of the employment data from the household surveys, which have been the main source of employment statistics in the Philippines. It also discusses and presents the policy environment in the 70s in an attempt to explain the employment experience during that period by first assessing the extent of the employment problem then focuses on a description of the employment generation by industry in the 1970s in comparison with that of the late 1950s and 1960s. It also attempts to analyze the employment trend by industry based on a heuristic framework, which defines the growth of employment in terms of the growth of output, the productivity per person engaged and the incremental labor-output ratio.


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  1. Manning, Chris and Pang Eng Fong, 1990 "Labour market trends and structures in ASEAN and the East Asian NIES" , Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government, The Australian National University