In the interest of learning from their model, the Escaping the Middle-Income Trap Chains-for-Change (EMIT C4C) Program of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative Studies (UP CIDS) thus launched an action-research study on KGMC in partnership with Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF) and the Partnerships Resource Center of the Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University). What makes KGMC relevant to the partners’ action research inquiry are the following. First, they are a thriving grassroots agri-fisheries business model. Second, they seem to have demonstrated an ability to balance Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and other sustainability metrics with profit in the pursuit of their vision-mission-goals. Third, and most importantly, they seem to have designed institutions that safeguard social inclusivity among its members. They have even operationalized these institutions in market exchanges among individual KGMC members who have different roles in their independent value chains (e.g., trader-lender/buyer, fisher/seller, regulators).