Philippine Standard time

Exploring Women’s Participation and Empowerment in Tourism Areas in the Philippines

The growing involvement of women in the tourism industry highlights opportunities for empowerment within the sector, ultimately promoting an inclusive environment in broader Philippine society. This Policy Note urges the perception of empowerment to extend beyond economic aspects, advocating for the strengthening of women’s psychological, political, and sociocultural dimensions. By analyzing women's experiences in the tourism industries of Metro Manila, Cebu, and Palawan, the study found that while they exhibit psychological and political empowerment, economic and social empowerment remain uneven due to factors such as seasonal employment and persistent gender stereotypes. Hence, this Note suggests a more proactive approach to reevaluating the sociocultural environment in which women operate in tourism. It recommends reintroducing gender studies in education to encourage discussions in both private and public spheres. Moreover, it highlights the importance of establishing gender gap indicators and documenting women’s success stories as valuable avenues to achieve holistic empowerment. 


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